Friday, March 21, 2008

Steig-ering expression

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I ordered the "The Art of William Steig" on the internet as a gift to myself on my birthday. had been planning to buy it for a long time. I was a little too late to actually receiving it on my birthday. But I got it on tuesday.
Couldn't open it anytime sooner as today, because I'm too entangled in my things happening right now. (My head is too full- and it should be full at the moment) But I had few quick glimpses at them this morning and it's ointment for my soul. Unbelievable how the meaning and expression of his drawings grew over the years. I'm delighted.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Adult life in a nut shell

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You did get desillusioned by the obscurity and common structure/interchangeability of your life and meaning, didn't you? Now go and create a miracle and enjoy the hell out of it! Go on!

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

3 times a lady

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I forgot to publish this one earlier. These are the three ladies I work together with on the kid's page for the farmer's magazine. They think of the subjects and write the texts. Ones in six weeks I go to Doetinchem to meet them together with the designer and we taik about the next six weeks. Most of the times we end each subject with ready ideas, sometimes it's left open a bit. What is desired, possible and satisfies us enough to have confidence in the result. Works fine that way. The right lady is fairly new added to the group and her talking and voice, to me, show a strong ressemblance with Drs. P., a, in holland WorldWideFamous, poet/writer/performer/songwriter with a real touch of fun.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Slow holiday

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Gosh,Jason! I can see you are doing well! Hé! Felipé! What are you going to do? Me? I'm going on a holiday, man.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Kale and pasta > Holland - Italy

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Yesterday I made Pasta with kale, slices of dried tomatoes, slices of grilled smoked sausage and curls pardano cheese. And we had this wine. Was OK, not brilliant. but from now on I have two brilliant water bottels for diners.

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Sunday, March 16, 2008


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Turned out Five5, today.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Statues in Amersfoort - 3

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When all the doom scenario's come together and the water rises enormously the fish will swim in Holland where the people are living their daily lives now. But when the water retreats maybe some fish will be stuck up in trees.Already one is stuck up a tree in Amersfoort, now.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008


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Remarkable strange words in different dialects of Holland.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008


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Are you yellow for the Easter-days?

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Beheaded > YEGG!!!!!

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YEGG!!!! A Samurai outcry while beheading an egg with Eastern. It's not the time for eggs to be yellow!

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Freddy Leach

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"Everytime my friend Freddy Leach is coming over for a couple of days, I have to take special arrangements regarding his diet!" > (BLOEDBANK= BLOOD BANK)

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Friday, March 07, 2008

Body language

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"RUPS" is the Dutch word for Caterpillar, and he is telling that Caterpillars have their own body language.

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Old time inspiration

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At, the website of (surptise) illustrator Bob Staake there's a page of old time posters that are/have been a obvious inspiration for him.

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

March through the sun and rain

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March through life, you brave cat, and do not let setbacks keep you from doing so this month and never. Be it sunny or rainy, it can thaw or freeze in March. And join joyful Mr. Pencil.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

Who's me?

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Who's that man in front of the ivy. It is "I", I feebly sit in front of what we call in Dutch > "Climb Up". I sure want to climb up from down under where I was. I did a lot of things to achieve that the last year and I achieved a lot.
"BUT..." My recent uprise with my fysical complaints, lead me to google about it and I suspect and are convinced to have a B12-deficiency. Which can be caused by having had parasites. I had 3 different sickening Parasites in 2006. B12 in the for the body needed form only comes from animal-food. Only a veganist has too little B12 in his diet to possibly cause a shortage, a vegetarian will normally have enough B12 supplied to his system.
B12 is used in creating/renewing bloodcells and a shortage can/will cause damaging to the nervesystem. Defintive damage in the long run.
I pointed the possibility already a year ago to the doctor, but she said it did not show in the blood. Now I know I does not have to be so and will not leave any stone unturned to be helped. This might lead to getting injections for the rest of my life, every month. But If I could get a bit of life quality back, this would be great.
Lack of concentration and memory problems are some of the symptons. That's one of the reasons I do not always find the energy, mood and stamina to publish here every day and period's of blanks appear here. I'm ready to fight for regaining joy for life.

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