Who's me?
click picture to play or enlargeWho's that man in front of the ivy. It is "I", I feebly sit in front of what we call in Dutch > "Climb Up". I sure want to climb up from down under where I was. I did a lot of things to achieve that the last year and I achieved a lot.
"BUT..." My recent uprise with my fysical complaints, lead me to google about it and I suspect and are convinced to have a B12-deficiency. Which can be caused by having had parasites. I had 3 different sickening Parasites in 2006. B12 in the for the body needed form only comes from animal-food. Only a veganist has too little B12 in his diet to possibly cause a shortage, a vegetarian will normally have enough B12 supplied to his system.
B12 is used in creating/renewing bloodcells and a shortage can/will cause damaging to the nervesystem. Defintive damage in the long run.
I pointed the possibility already a year ago to the doctor, but she said it did not show in the blood. Now I know I does not have to be so and will not leave any stone unturned to be helped. This might lead to getting injections for the rest of my life, every month. But If I could get a bit of life quality back, this would be great.
Lack of concentration and memory problems are some of the symptons. That's one of the reasons I do not always find the energy, mood and stamina to publish here every day and period's of blanks appear here. I'm ready to fight for regaining joy for life.