Friday, September 23, 2005

Illustration Friday: Fresh

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It's astonishing and fun to notice how often the subject of Illustration Friday gives me the opportunity to react from my personal life at that moment. In the week preceding the DREAMS topic, there was a thread about dreaming on the dutch illustrators forum "Illusie"(Illusion). As a result I remembered more of my dreams that week. I used 2 of my dreams to send in 2 entries that week. EMPTY, ESCAPE, ROOTS and REFLECTION are other examples
of a close connection with life at that moment.
FRESH is another example. I have been using an anti-depressiva since june 2004, To cope with the devastating situation of the sickness of my love, which lead to her death. It was prescribed to me, a week after she had undergone her second brain-tumor operation. I started to feel as if I was part of a film, instead of everyday life. I hated to do it, but it worked. Now life is slowly starting to get real for me again. The backdraws are not as frequent anymore as they were. 5 weeks ago I pointed out to my doctor I wanted to end the use. I was told to cut back in the following manner: I used one Paroxetin (Seroxat) a day, first two weeks a half a day and the next two weeks one half every two days. I took my last half last Saturday the 17th of September. It was difficult at times, leading in the weeks to feel as a trafficlight. One day depressive, the next day joyful. But especially the, in a very real way, experiencing of joyful things and positivism about parts of my life gave me the impression that life under medicin had been to smooth. And this week I had my moments of experiencing reborn again, in other words: FRESH.

PS A study for Seroxat shows it should increase the number of suicide.
PS Last week at Illustration Friday I was entry No.50, this week No.100. Unintentional

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